The Seidre (Teutonic and Norse Shamans)
The Seidre were shamanic folk who
travelled from community to community speaking with the Other-world on
behalf of the townspeople they visited. They would question the recently-deceased
loved ones and ask favors of the gods through the town's dead kinfolk.
It was believed that they were also able to obtain special favors for individuals
from their passed-on relatives. Such favors might be something like a priestess
who may ask that her grandmother endow her with the family's power in her
physical body in this lifetime, rather than waiting for it to be bestowed
on her. Many of the Germanic and Slavic peoples believed the power was
passed from family member to famlily member on the death of the preceding
generation's head witch- but it sometimes skipped a generation or two,
and the newly-deprived head honcho of the family's witchery would likely
feel inclined to ask why. The Seidre could ask this question for them.
Also, as a group, the community might be inclined to ask for a particularly
good harvest, protection from flooding in the spring, a light snow-fall
during winter, or an easy freeze instead of a harsh and windy winter. In
the event of some mystery, such as who committed a murder that had no suspect,
they might also be able find this out by asking the deceased or a representative
of one of the gods or goddesses "who-dunnit".
The Seidre were also known as Bien-Sheidre. "Bien"
is a French word meaning "excellent or beneficient"- now where
does that fit in?? Was it a late-comer in the naming game? Or does it even
matter here? So many questions. Most may not even be relevant, but I would
not consider myself to have done very thorough research if I did not ask
them all.
I believe the term to be a late addition from upper regions of France,
since it is likely that by the time the Teutonic tradition was thoroughly
rooted in Germanic cultures, they would have probably made contact and
begun trading with French peoples from that region- indeed had probably
done so for a thousand years or more. There is evidence of sea-travel up
and down the coast of Prehistoric Europe- the routes from Italy to Gaul
and the Rhineland areas (what would later be parts of Germany, via The
Danube and Rhine Rivers) were travelled regularly in small boats. Even
the occassional trip to Britain and Ireland was not unknown. It would certainly
make sense to have a Seidre bless your trip, and then carry them across
the water as extra protection!
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